The Pastors and Ministerial staff of FAME provides spiritual and administrative leadership for the church, preach the gospel, and to use their skills to provide pastoral care for the church and the community.

They are active in the care of persons in the church and the community, providing counseling, mentoring, conducting funeral services and wedding ceremonies. They actively visit the sick and homebound providing comfort to those who are unable to attend church services.

Rev. Charisma Canty headshot

Rev. Charisma Mallory
Women’s Ministry

Rev. Elizabeth Hargett headshot

Rev. Elizabeth Hargett
Intercessory Prayer Ministry

Rev. Pauline Johnson headshot

Rev. Pauline Johnson
Comfort Ministry

Rev. Derk Sloane

Rev. Derk Sloane
Youth Pastor

Rev. Sharahn Harris-Morgan headshot

Rev. Sharahn Harris-Morgan
The Artist Academy

Rev. George W Odom Sr. headshot

Rev. George Odom, Sr.
Associate Minister

Rev. Darrell J. Summers

Rev. Darrell J. Summers
Associate Minister

Rev. Jason Adams

Rev. Jason Adams
Young Adult Ministry

Retha M. Fulmore headshot

Retha M. Fulmore
Pro-Tem Board of Stewards

Donald Francis

Donald Francis
Pro-Tem Board of Trustees

Sis. Jackie Johnson headshot

Sis. Jacqueline Johnson
Church Treasurer

Bro. Stacy Holmes headshot

Bro. Stacy Holmes
Director of Media

Larry Naylor

Bro. Larry Naylor
Lead Director of Music